Amazing Ambassadors
Sponsored in Conjunction with

March 28, 2019 | Salem Academy

8:30-9:15am Registration
9:00am Introductions, Program Overview, Welcome and Icebreaker

9:30am Making the CASE!  (Building your personal brand.) | Anita Walton, Senior Director, Diversity and Talent Management at Council for Advancement & Support of Education (CASE)

10:30am Creating an Amazing Ambassador Program | Julie Riccardi, Saint Mary’s School featuring Saint Mary’s Advancement Ambassadors

Ambassador programs have long been lauded as opportunities for students to participate in the admissions and development process with prospective students and alumni. Today’s ambassador program can include the fundamentals of campus tours and greetings while also providing an invaluable opportunity to acquire leadership skills, learn institutional history, create and lead keystone campus events, and pave the way towards deeper understanding of the role of alumni and donors.Connecting key competencies and a variety of transferable skills, thoughtful ambassador programs provide a rich experience and opportunity for students to build their resumes while impacting their community.

In our session you will hear from students who currently formed the inaugural class of Development Ambassadors for Saint Mary’s School.  You will learn how to create a formula for recruitment, provide an outline for training ambassadors in your institutional history, creating meaningful student managed events for alumni, and offering a variety of opportunities for students to practice the craft of presenting.

This training and experience will allow your student ambassadors to:

  • Be a positive force on your campus
  • Excel at interpersonal skills
  • Provide excellent communication and event management
  • Be open to learning new things
  • Create a meaningful legacy for their soon-to-be Alma Mater

12:00pm Etiquette Luncheon | A primer for attendees on presenting yourself well and making the most of mealtime opportunities.  Hint: It’s not just about using the right fork!

1:00pm World Cafe Breakouts (mix of adults and students) | Lindsey Field, Director of Advancement, The Fletcher School (20 minute sessions customized based on interests of group)

2:15pm Wrap-up, Takeaways, and Golden Nuggets | Led by Student Leaders

2:45pm Adjourn

Printable Agenda

