Speaker Bios

Dr. Sarah Ferraro Cunningham is a licensed psychologist in the San Francisco Bay Area. Throughout her career, Dr. Cunningham has demonstrated a deep commitment to research, innovation and early intervention. She has served as a clinical leader in The Permanente Medical Group, the award-winning national leader in preventive care. Dr. Cunningham has also devoted her expertise to nationally recognized research projects on early intervention for teens and young adults struggling with substance use and provided training to clinics across Northern CA. As an educator and trainer, Dr. Cunningham has also provided in-person consultation and educational workshops to colleges and universities, state and regional independent school associations, as well as mental health providers in the Bay Area.

Dr. Richard Von Feldt brings expertise in addiction medicine as well as college and university mental health. Dr. Von Feldt has worked with The Permanente Medical Group providing family, individual and group therapy as well as early intervention services to those impacted by substance use. He serves as a regional leader in Kaiser's Performance Excellence Group as well as Clinical Training Director for the postdoctoral residents. Dr. Von Feldt is regarded as an innovative educator of marijuana abuse for teens, young adults and families. He has provided training and consultation to physicians and therapists, regional and state independent school associations, and health care providers across the Bay Area.

Dr. Cunningham and Dr. Von Feldt dedicated their years of experience to found Panaptic, an organization that serves as a national leader in marijuana prevention for young people. Panaptic is committed to protecting the youth of America from the potentially devastating effects of marijuana use. Panaptic offers comprehensive, innovative prevention programs and customized resources that empower independent schools, healthcare organizations and families by providing safe and effective prevention education. Most recently, Panaptic was selected to join the inaugural year of a landmark program, Innovation to Impact at Yale University. Innovation to Impact, founded through a collaboration between Yale University and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), brings together leaders in substance use prevention and research across the country with the goal of impacting the national substance use crisis. Through Panaptic’s participation in this prestigious program, Panaptic will collaborate with other US leaders in substance use prevention to deliver innovative and effective marijuana prevention programs to our communities.

