February 27, 2020 | Providence Day School

10:00 am Gather & Opening Activity

10:30 am Sudden Cardiac Death Prevention with Project ADAM | Dr. Jordan Ezekian and Dr. Salim Idress, Duke University Hospital
Dr. Ezekian will highlight Project ADAM North Carolina, a new state-wide, school-based initiative to improve school readiness for sudden cardiac arrest events. Dr. Idress will review common symptoms encountered in youth along with information on recognizing cardiac syncope and sudden cardiac arrest.

11:30 PM Lunch & Learn with Colleagues | Led by Angela Spraberry and Donna Roupas | Sponsored by Ayrsley Town Rehabilitation
During lunch, we will have roundtable discussions around hot topics that school nurses are encountering such as vaccination policies, field trips, managing students’ chronic health conditions, school health documentation, and the vaping epidemic just to name a few

 1:00 PM Things You See But Are Still Invisible: Physical Therapy in the School Setting | Teri Lavallee, PT, DPT, ATRIC
During our session, we will explore various situations where physical therapy is indicated in the school. Do you know when a Physical Therapist should be consulted for a concussion rather than just a neurologist? Do you know how to recognize low muscle tone and know how it impacts a child’s learning environment? We will dive into these topics among others during our time together.

 2:00 PM Adjourn

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