School Liaisons have been an integral part of NCAIS for almost three decades. Originally known as "TSRs" or Teacher Service Representatives, they served as the first line of communication between NCAIS and member schools. In addition, they were the backbone of the early biennial Teacher Conferences, especially before NCAIS hired full-time staff. As technology and NCAIS staffing has evolved, the role of the School Liaison has changed as well. Besides attending in-person meetings twice a year (full-state fall meeting and regional spring meetings), NCAIS still values the direct line of communication as well as the knowledge and expertise that the School Liaisons bring to the table.
Our goal is to have a designated School Liaison for each member school. This person's role should be connected with professional development within their home school as well as someone willing to serve as a conduit of information between the school and NCAIS. If you have any questions, please reach out directly to Stephanie Keaney in the NCAIS office.