

Contact Stephanie Keaney with questions

Member Registration

  • $135 per person for individuals
  • $109 per person for groups of 3 or more

If you are employed at an NCAIS school you should register as a Member.  (Click here if you’re not sure if your school is an NCAIS member school.)  Please do not register as a non-member or guest.  All employees at member schools should have a user name and password.  If you do not know your user name and password, please email Rebecca Slay at [email protected] and she will send you your credentials. You may also call the NCAIS office at 704-461-1812 and choose Option 4 to reach Rebecca.

Guest/NonMember Registration

  • $195 per person


Cancellation Policy: Attendees receive a full refund if they cancel at least two weeks before the event, and a 50% refund if they cancel one week before the event; no refunds thereafter. All refunds are subject to a 15% administrative fee (rounded up to the nearest dollar).

