For Assistant Heads, Division Directors, Academic Deans, Department Chairs, DEI Directors, and other Education Leaders

Leading from the Center is about leading from the middle of organizations. It is also about leading from the heart, from a place of courage, compassion, and commitment. Getting there is a journey of awareness, intention, and action. This session will help middle managers chart a course to greater effectiveness and well-being.

Middle managers play a critical role in organizations as the linchpin between top and frontline levels. Operating from the middle, they must also connect and collaborate with colleagues across divisions and functions. Furthermore, they often play dual roles as individual contributors who are getting specialized work done and as managers leading a team. This complex role requires significant self-awareness, social skills, and resilience. Having a learning orientation and growth mindset is key because much development happens on the job at the coalface of challenges.

The Leading from the Center program will help develop a mindset and a stronger learning orientation so managers are better equipped to face challenges, to engage those challenges as opportunities for learning and growth, and to build their networks, which can provide peer support and knowledge sharing.

We will explore:

  • Building Self Awareness and Self-Clarity
  • Understanding the complex role of Leading from the Middle
  • Building Pathways for Development
  • Growing Collaboration Capacity
  • Developing Coaching Skills
  • Increasing Resilience
  • Broadening Networks

Presenters: Lyndon & Philomena Rego, CoMetta

Cost: NCAIS members $150/pp, Guests $200/pp

Many thanks to our event sponsor, Southern Teachers Agency.

Speaker Bios
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